Our commitment to quality and service assures Cigar Club of Indiana will be at the forefront of the industry. As an upscale private members-only cigar club, our amenities will deliver quality and satisfaction to each customer.
The Cigar Club of Indiana offers an private environment where you can savor a fine cigar and a drink, among friends, or seclude yourself in one of our quiet areas. We pride ourselves on excellence and we cordially invite you to join us for a “cigar in elegance.”
Cigar Club of Indiana is a unique cigar experience. In our beautifully appointed lounge you will find traditional furnishings, extra high ceilings, a state-of-the-art air filtration system, large screen TVs as well as piped in casual music. You will meet people from all walks and professions as we share in this favorite past-time. Watch your favorite sports on multiple large screen HDTVs, which come with full seasonal sports programming. Or, you can also enjoy a reading escape, or just relax with a cigar. Complimentary Wi-Fi enables you to work connected or surf the net. In short, the Cigar Club of Indiana is something you do for yourself!
Whether you are a cigar aficionado or just enjoy an occasional stick you will find the the experience unparalleled.
Sincerely, Raymond D. Modglin, Founding Member
Location: 3701 Mullinix Rd. | Greenwood 46143 | (YES! its the old Salem Church | see map)